Awexi Financials

Awexi Financials (ERP & CRM) has been designed from the ground up for use in even large companies. However, most users of the system are smaller companies with 1-10 employees - so there is room for all sizes.

Excel is chosen as the standard export module, which means that almost all reports can be extracted in REAL Excel format, and not something that needs to be converted afterwards.


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Finans modulet er et stærk værktøj til økonomistyring, der anvendes i det daglige bogholderi. Der er gode muligheder for statistik og import/eksport af data til videre bearbejdelse for dem der ønsker dette.

  • ERP - alt i samme system
  • Indlæs købsfaktura og bankposteringer
  • Egte Excel format
  • Webshop integreret;
  • Ubegrænset antal posteringer og finanskonti
  • Meget enkelt moms afregning
  • Indkøbsmodul
  • Service module
  • Bogholder- og revisormodul
  • Sagsstyring
  • Hurtig og enkelt registreringer, eksportering til Excel enkel fakturering, time/sags registrering


Er du mest på farten?

Flere funktioner er direkte supporteret fra din mobil.

  • Et skræddersyet fakturaflow. Slip for bøvlet med papir og godkend dine e-fakturaer med et par klik.


The cornerstone of the CRM system is made in collaboration with salespeople and sales managers. If the Finance part is used, this allows for more statistics and other tools. This also means that customers/suppliers only have to be created once.

For a professional company in today's Denmark, it is necessary to have good control over customers. Awexi CRM is hosted as SaaS (Software as a Service), this means that you can always get to your important information when you need it.

The invoice/credit note can be easily loaded into the CRM system, so that all figures are always up to date. It is about managing sales efforts towards customers so that you make the best possible use of customer potential and the salesperson's resources.

Awexi CRM is therefore not just a matter for the sales department, nor is it limited to those with direct customer contact. In order for the customer to experience that their wishes and needs are being met in the best possible way, the CRM system must be used by the entire company, from purchasing, production, logistics, finance and other functions. To be successful with a CRM system, it must be a completely conscious investment for the entire company.

Contact Awexi for a non-binding meeting. We are happy to come out and demonstrate the system for you.


There is an integrated webshop for the system if desired. Once the item has been created in the item index, it can be displayed immediately in the shop if desired.

Awexi uses Prestashop as our Go-to solution, Prestashop has over 250,000 shops online right now and is one of the biggest players in relation to webshops. Prestashop is open source, which makes it cheaper for your company to use their many options. At Awexi, we have developed a plugin that is connected to our financial system, Awexi financials , this gives you the opportunity to manage product catalogs, update stock and prices directly from our system to your Prestashop.

Options in Prestashop.

  • Endless design possibilities.
  • Shop can be integrated with Awexi financials .
  • Modules for almost every need.
  • Cheap prices compared to competitors.


Invoicing to public authorities has long been legislated. For several years, it has been a requirement that invoicing to the public sector must be done electronically.

Can you e-shop? If your financial system can deliver an XML\CSV invoice, then Awexi has the programs for forwarding your invoices to the public sector or to your other customers. We can e.g. ensure that your invoice/credit note is sent as PDF or XML according to your customers' needs.

Awexi operates with many invoice formats, so you can safely contact us if you have a solution you would like integrated - we are integration specialists.

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