At Awexi, we work in lots of different IT areas, helping companies do well with their big changes. Below, you'll see a list of some things we're really good at. We're like your friendly tech helpers, making sure your important plans succeed!
It is not always easy to find out which software to use use and which licenses are missing, but with Awexi can we help you. Regardless of whether you are starting something new or you have a well-established business.
It is not always easy to find out which software to use use and which licenses are missing, but with Awexi can we help you. Regardless of whether you are starting something new or you have a well-established business.
It is not always easy to find out which software to use use and which licenses are missing, but with Awexi can we help you. Regardless of whether you are starting something new or you have a well-established business.
It is not always easy to find out which software to use use and which licenses are missing, but with Awexi can we help you. Regardless of whether you are starting something new or you have a well-established business.
Eksempler på vores hosting løsninger:
Eksempler på vores hosting løsninger:
Eksempler på vores hosting løsninger:
Eksempler på vores hosting løsninger:
Við hjá Awexi höfum þróað okkar eigin netverslun og höldum áfram að vinna að því í samvinnu við viðskiptavini. Það er samþætt í Awexi Financials (ERP) og það er héðan sem versluninni er stjórnað.
Við höfum t.d. þróað kerfiseiningu sem er tengd fjármálakerfinu okkar, Awexi Financials. Þetta gefur þér tækifæri til að stjórna vörulistann, uppfæra birgðastöðuna ásamt verðin á söluvörum beint úr kerfinu okkar og ínn í netverslunina þína.
Valmöguleikar í Awexi vefversluninni:
Endalausir hönnunarmöguleikar. Netverslun er samþætt Awexi Financials.
Kerfiseiningar fyrir næstum hvaða þörf sem er.
Ódýrt verð miðað við samkeppnisaðila.
Notendastýrð þróun
When you enter into a support agreement with us, you will be assigned a permanent consultant who can familiarize himself with your problems and needs.
We have chosen to partner up with Flexfone. Flexfone's products are easy to navigate and for users to handle. All the set-up options you need in call centres, support departments or office environments and all for one price. You receive an easy-to-understand bill every month or quarter, where you have no doubt about what the various fields cover.
If you need to keep an overview of your IT infrastructure, we can offer monitoring of your network, servers, cloud services and updates. Whatever you need, whether it be help with monitoring or setting up the monitoring itself so you can keep an eye on your network, we can handle it.
We offer a flexible Backup service for your company that runs at self-selected times every day, so you are always guaranteed that your work is not lost.
We have servers standing that only run the Backup service, and they use mirroring to ensure that your data is never lost. This means that your data is always secured, even in the event of a fire. For more information or consultation contact info@awexi.dk and we will find a solution together.
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